Article by: Demetra Davis 
Twitter: @GoddessofDee

I had the opportunity to attend Foxtail Fest this Saturday it was amazing from Fretti Griffin Wayne opening to SZA closing the show and sending us on our way with her amazing energy. I admit when I first saw the flyer I didn’t know what to expect considering I only knew SZA and DJ Sylo. Once I got there and the performances started I couldn’t stop moving. Do I have a favorite? Yes and No. I got to see SZA in person which is amazing but I also discovered so much new music. I’ve seen Andrea Valle and Tierra Whack twice and I just love them. Andrea’s voice is so beautiful and the way her words flow to together is so rhythmical.
Tierra Whack’s energy is so amazing and I had the pleasure of speaking with her after her set and she’s so nice and it was a pleasure speaking with her. A rap group with such amazing energy on and off the stage hailing from South Jersey, Def Bananas a Group of three, got the party started early. Speaking of energy DJ Diamond Kuts hyped us up for Lil Uzi, I’m not sure about everyone else but even after the pregame I wasn’t ready for his energy or the bodies jumping into the crowd. The person I came for made us really wait for it. The festival started at 4 and SZA didn’t go on until almost midnight. She came out so graciously and her voice live is so beautiful. You’d think the songs couldn’t get any better, you’d think you couldn’t fall more in love with those lyrics but hearing them live and watching her sing it takes you somewhere. Foxtail Fest 2014 was amazing and I hope to enjoy it next year. I loved being there surrounded by so much good energy.
Video recap coming soon!